Rom all languageSky A860S L K |
Rom MYSTER of @myster91 on forum choimobile.com is rom reviewed beautiful graphics and very good performance, run smoother and cooler. Today i share this rom and guide how to flash for sky a860s a860l a860k
General procedure for flash rom: Flash stock rom --> Root --> install recovery --> into Recovery Flash rom --> Reboot is complete.
1. Flash stock rom + Root + Recovery for Sky A860- Flash stock rom refer
[Tutorial] Up rom Binx stock for All Sky Pantech Mobile- Root + Recovery :Download tool
SKYToolroot&recovery.apk , install it refer
Install apps from PC to Android 4.4Open it after installed as image below
Tool root - Recovery for sky A860 |
Root: Choose Root, then click "Tải Công Cụ Root" , Program will be download and install Framaroot , exit apps "c.Cụ Sky" , open Framaroot then root phone prefer image below
Recovery: Open "c.Cụ Sky" ( Sky tool) again , Choose Recovery item, then click "Flash Recovery" -> Program will be download tool and flash recovery . click Grant if it request Supper User, Flash done is OK.
- Reboot Recovery for into Recovery CWM ( But at here, do not hit reboot, read the guide to install Rom )
2. Flash Rom MYSTER V4Prefer
link original This rom moded based A860L'rom so if the phone is A860L, only download the ROM, if the phone is A860s or A860k then you have to download rom and patch .
Link rom-
Link Patch (for A860s A860K)
How to Flash rom
- Sky A860L : copy rom into internal memory , then open "c.Cụ Sky" Reboot Recovery , Flash zip rom on CWM recovery. Finis then reboot system now
- Sky A860S A860K :copy the rom zip and patch zip into internal memory , then open "c.Cụ Sky" Reboot Recovery , Flash zip rom then flash zip patch on CWM recovery.Finis then reboot system now
If you are new to installing rom zip through recovery, you should refer to the article
Basics of Recovery: install rom zip and Restore RomLGVinh : Cửa hàng điện thoại di động xách tay tại thành phố Vinh Nghệ AnChuyên các mặt hàng điện thoại xách tay LG nguyên bản từ Hàn quốcLinh kiện phụ kiện LG Xách tayNhận sửa chữa phần cứng,phần mềm, up rom, nạp tiếng việt các dòng máy xách tay Hàn quốcUnBrick, repair boot, mất IMEI, mất sóng ... các dòng LG , Sky , Sam SungLiên hệ :SN 19 , ngõ 58, Đường Phạm Đình Toái, Hà Huy Tập, Vinh 0918658626 or 0974271699. Zalo , SMS ..