P 1. Tool Root - Recovery for Sky Pantech |
This tool is used for all most the sky pantech serial , using simple and easy.
- Download tool
Link , this APK extension
- Install tool apps into phone , refer
Install apps from PC to Android 4.4- Install finished will be app " C.Cu Sky " , you open it see picture below
P2 . Tool Root - Recovery for Sky Pantech phone |
- Root : Choose Root item - Choose 'Tải Root' : auto download and install Framaroot software, then open Framaroot for root. Restart phone to complete root
- Recovery : open"C.Cụ Sky" Into Recovery item , choose 'Tải Recovery', This tool will download install auto , "SuperUser Request" choose Grant . Install Recovery complete, if you want into recovery, choose "reboot recovery'.
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