Safely Root Google Nexus 9 on Android N NPD35K Guide
Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Safely Root Google Nexus 9 on Android N NPD35K Guide.This is the best way Safely Root Google Nexus 9 on Android N NPD35K Guide. So you can check Safely Root Google Nexus 9 on Android N NPD35K Guide Below Here. It has been a busy past few days for Google at the annual Google I/O event which I have been following closely on Twitter. Matt Cutts and Danny Sullivan among others have been lapping up the warm weather and sunny skies while posting updates from the event to make anyone envious of not being in the same picture. As usual, we have heard much of what we can expect from Google and all things related to Google for the next twelve months, and one of those things is, of course, the release of Android N.
While we know Android N is coming, the new Android version hasn’t been given on official name so we don’t know what the letter ‘N’ will represent. The Google and Android team usually decide this in office and share the news with us, but this year things are going to be different. The Mountain View company has opened the polls up to the public, and they would like to hear what you want the next version of Android to be called. So far that hasn’t turned out so well, and the leading names are close to terrible, as well as reminiscent of the “Boaty McBoat Face” we heard about not long ago. Hopefully, Google decides to retract the idea of letting the public decide the name much like our Boaty McBoat Face didn’t end up becoming the official name of the ship either.
Here is everything you need to root the Google Nexus 9 running on the Android N Developer Preview with the NPD35K build number by using the updated version of SuperSU application and a custom recovery.
REQUIREMENTSThe following guide is made for the Google Nexus 9 tablet running on the Android N NPD35K Developer Preview. We do not recommend following this guide if you are running a newer update in the future.You will need to use a computer that is running Windows to use this guide because of the ADB file we are giving you to use. Our file is made for the Windows operating system only because it is by far the most popular operating system to use. There are ways in which you can install ADB on a Mac and Linux operating system but they require unique files and the commands during the guide will change too.
BEFORE WE BEGINSome of you guys may need to unlock the Developer Options menu before you can enable the USB Debugging Mode — something that is required for you to connect the Google Nexus 9 tablet to the computer with the USB cable. You can unlock it by tapping on the Settings icon > About Device and then tapping where it shows you the Build Number at least seven times. Keep tapping with your finger until you can see that it says you are using the device now as a developer and that’s when you know the Developer Options menu is unlocked.Now it’s time to turn on the USB Debugging Mode from the Developer Options menu we just unlocked; you can do that by tapping on the Settings icon again, followed by the Developer Options and then tap the box for the USB Debugging Mode. You should see that it now is marked and you can leave the Developer Options menu and Android will remember your preferences.
HOW TO ROOT GOOGLE NEXUS 9 ON ANDROID N NPD35K DEVELOPER PREVIEWSDownload the SuperSU 2.71 that roots the Nexus 9 on Android N from here.Download the TWRP Recovery file that works for the Nexus 9 from here.Set up ADB on your computer by following our in-depth guide and then come back to this page to continue the rest of this guide to get your device rooted.Extract the TWRP Recovery file to the desktop of the computer and copy the custom recovery image file over to the same folder as your ADB, so you have them both in the same directory.Connect the Google Nexus 9 tablet to the computer with the USB cable and then copy the SuperSU 2.71 zip file (still zipped) to the topmost folder of your internal storage SD card.From within your TWRP and ADB folder, hold down the Shift key and right-click the white background where there are no files and then choose to open a new command window here from the menu.Type “adb reboot bootloader” to get the Google Nexus 9 in the bootloader mode that is required before the flashing.Type “fastboot flash recovery twrp-3.0.2-0-flounder.img” to flash your new custom recovery on the tablet.Type “fastboot reboot” and hold down the hardware button combination for the recovery mode as soon as your tablet first-time boots, so it boots directly into the recovery mode.Tap on the “Install’ button from the recovery menu and follow the on-screen instructions to install SuperSU on your device.In conclusion, that is how to install a custom recovery, and then root Google Nexus 9 on Android N NPD35K Developer Preview builds.