iOS Tips And Tricks- How to create an iOS configuration profile and alter hidden changes
Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you iOS Tips And Tricks- How to create an iOS configuration profile and alter hidden changes.This is the best iOS Tips And Tricks- How to create an iOS configuration profile and alter hidden changes. So you can check iOS Tips And Tricks- How to create an iOS configuration profile and alter hidden changes Below Here. Configuration profiles on the iPad and iPhone are just like a form of Group Policy or the registry editor on Windows. They are helpful in the quick distribution of the group of settings and for accessing the powerful managing features that are normally not available. Configuration files are mostly used by the organizations but they can be accessed by anyone.
For the creation of the configuration profile for your iPhone and iPad, you need a Mac. Application configuration is required for this. But there are some modern versions of apple configuration available in the market for the Mac OS X. once Apple offered its Apple configurator which can works on the windows as well but it vanished soon.
Configuration profileTo create a configuration profile, you need to install an application of Apple Configurator using the Mac.
Launch the application and click the file and then on the New profile.
A screen will appear, you have to type the name for your profile into the ‘Name’ box here. Give that profile a descriptive name as this will appear on any device on which configuration profile will install.
The identifier will be a unique identifier for the profile. There must be different identifiers for every profile. For replacing the new profile with the old one, give it the same identifier as the old one. When somebody will install the new profile on their device, it will replace that profile with the existing one having the same identifier.
The organization and description name allows providing some additional information about the profile. People which have installed that profile on their devices can see that information. If somebody will install that profile on their device, ‘a consent message’ will appear.
When that profile should be removed ‘security’ and ‘automatically remove profile’ option is used. This profile can be removed by anyone, by default. You can access its configuration file so that no one can remove that or it asks for a password for the removal or it can be automatically removed after some time or after a limited period of time. These settings are particularly available for the large organizations to lock down their devices but anyone can access them.
There is a list of options which are available in the sidebar and are entirely optional. By default, they are set to not configured which shows that they are not a part of the current profile.
To make a setting, click a group of setting, then you must click the configure button to access the settings available in that group. There are available a wide variety of available settings which you can access. Some of the settings are marked with the option of ‘supervised only’ which means that they only take effect in the ‘supervised mode’. You can define these settings in a configuration profile and then can install it on any device but these settings will only function if your device is supervised device and will be ignored silently on the non-supervised device.