Android Tips And Tricks-How to solve common issues in WhatsApp
Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Android Tips And Tricks-How to solve common issues in WhatsApp. This is the best Android Tips And Tricks-How to solve common issues in WhatsApp. So you can check Android Tips And Tricks-How to solve common issues in WhatsApp Below Here. Are you worried about how to solve your WhatsApp problems? Are you facing a lot of issues with your WhatsApp? Even though WhatsApp is the leading messaging app in the world, it has many security issues. Here, we are discussing the issues faced by WhatsApp users and the steps to solve your WhatsApp problems.
Not receiving an Activation Code:After buying a new Smartphone, one of the most popular applications that you are likely to install is WhatsApp. After installing WhatsApp and entering your mobile number, you may find that you have not received the activation code.
This is a common problem and to solve your WhatsApp problem immediately, you have to check if the phone number you just entered is correct. In most cases, there will be some mistake. For e.g., the country code may not be correct. Once you correct it, you will receive the activation code. You also need to make sure the phone number entered does not contain a WhatsApp account. If a WhatsApp account for the number already exists, then WhatsApp will close one of the accounts and keep the other one active.
Contacts in WhatsApp are not being recognized:Many users all around the world face a similar issue. To solve your WhatsApp problem, check the following points.
Make sure your contact has a WhatsApp account.If your contact person moves to another country, then check if the country code is correct.Check if the contacts are set to viewable in your phone’s setting.WhatsApp is not getting connected:
If your WhatsApp is not getting connected to the Internet, check the basic things first. Check if the Internet is available on your mobile. If you are able to open other online applications and are facing issues only with WhatsApp, then do the following:
Reboot your mobile phone and check again.Check the version of WhatsApp. Make sure the version is up to date.Check if Airplane mode is turned off in your mobile.Check if your Wi-Fi connection is correct. Refresh the Wi-Fi connection.Even after doing all this if your WhatsApp is still not connecting, then re-install the WhatsApp. In most cases it will resolve the issue.Not able to send pictures or receive pictures in WhatsApp:
To solve your WhatsApp problem related to sending and receiving pictures, switch on your mobile Internet connection. If you are using Wi-Fi, move to mobile data and check if sending and receiving pictures is working. Clearing all data by going to Settings also helps in some cases. After clearing the data from the mobile, restart the mobile. In some cases the problem may be related to your SD card. So, replace the SD card with a new one and check if you are able to send and receive pictures.
Delay in messaging:Have you ever faced a situation in which your friends from WhatsApp complained that your message is taking a long time to deliver? It may be due to a problem with your memory cache. Using a task killer app, clear the memory and reopen WhatsApp. This should solve your WhatsApp problems with messaging delays.
ConclusionThe popularity of WhatsApp is increasing day by day. By going through the tips given above you can easily solve your WhatsApp problems and enjoy a trouble free usage.