Download Gapps For Lollipop 5.0/5.1
Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Download Gapps For Lollipop 5.0/5.1.This is the best way to Download Gapps For Lollipop 5.0/5.1. So you can check Download Gapps For Lollipop 5.0/5.1 Below Here. If you are running on android lollipop 5.1.0 or 5.0.1 on any custom roms like Cm12 or CM12.1 without gapps the android system is incomplete before if you not install these Google apps you will not get apps like Gmail,Google play store,Google play music,Google + and many other apps to.You today i will guide you in how to install GAPPS(Google apps) in android lollipop 5.1.x or 5.0.1.These google apps package is compatible with all the roms for android.There gaaps are compressed in a zip file.
Download Google apps Package 5.1.11.Download Gapps for android lollipop 5.1.1 or Download For lollipop 5.0 from below linksthere are Six types of Gapps package you can refer in the image to know about all six different types of images.
Download Gapps Pico Package For Android 5.0 Lollipop The pico version of PA Gapps for Android 5.0 Lollipop comes with minimum Google applications. These include Google system base, Google Play Store, Google Calendar Sync only, Google Play Services. This version of GApps is intended for the users who don’t like all other Google applications and want the basic ones only.Size: 81 MB |Download | Modular Pico (Uni – 39 MB): Download
Download PA Gapps Nano Package For Android 5.0 LollipopThis version of Google GApps is intended for the users who want to use the minimum possible Google GApps having the “Okay Google” and “Google Search” features. Other GApps include Google system base, off-line speech files, Google Play Store, Google Calendar Sync and of-course, Google Play Services.Size: 129 MB | Download
PA Gapps Micro Modular Package For Android 5.0 LollipopIntended for legacy devices having small partitions. This package included applications like Google system base, off-line speech files, Google Play Store, Google Exchange Services, Face Unlock, Google Calender, Gmail, Google Text-to-speach, Google Now Launcher, Google Search and Google Play Services.
Size: 182 MB | Download
PA Gapps Mini Modular Package For Android 5.0 LollipopFor the users who use limited Google applications. This package includes almost all basic Google applications including core Google system base, off-line speech files, Google Play Store, Google Exchange Services, FaceUnlock, Google+, Google Calendar, Google Now Launcher, Google Play services, Google (Search), Google Text-to-Speech, Gmail, Hangouts, Maps, Street View on Google Maps & YouTubeSize: 221 MB | Download
PA Gapps Full Modular Package For Android 5.0 Lollipop This package is similar to the stock Google GApps. It only misses Google Camera, Google Keyboard, Google Sheets and Google Slides applications while includes almost all other Google GApps.Size: 353 MB | Download
Gapps Stock Modular Package For Android 5.0 Lollipop Stock Google GApps package. Includes all Google applications. Intended for the users who do not want to miss any application.Size: 421 MB | Download
How to flash Gapps in android lollipop via recovery1.After downloading the appropirate Gapps package Copy it in your in you android (don't extarct it)
2.Now reboot you device into recovery.
3.Now select Install Zip from SD card option.
4.Now navigate and select Gapps zip file where you saved it earlier.
5.Now Flash the file in you android phone.
6.After flashing Restart you device and it will take time in first start up so be patient,
7.You have now successfully installed all Google Apps on Android 5.1.1 custom ROM or CM 12ROM.