Safely Root Galaxy Alpha G850F on Android 5.0.2 Lollipop
Hello Friends, Today i am going to tell you Safely Root Galaxy Alpha G850F on Android 5.0.2 Lollipop. This is the best way Safely Root Galaxy Alpha G850F on Android 5.0.2 Lollipop. So you can check Safely Root Galaxy Alpha G850F on Android 5.0.2 Lollipop Below Here. Did you update the Galaxy Alpha to the new XXU2COD4 firmware build as part of the Android 5.0.2 Lollipop software update? If so, you probably don’t have root access as it is revoked when updating the ROM. Now you can gain it back again by learning how to root Galaxy Alpha G850F on Android 5.0.2 Lollipop.
REQUIREMENTSYou must have the Samsung Galaxy Alpha with the model number G850F. Do not try it on a different model number.
BEFORE WE BEGINYou want to download the Samsung USB Drivers from our page.Note that you void the warranty by following this guide and using the CF-Root tool will trip Knox.
HOW TO ROOT SAMSUNG GALAXY ALPHA G850F ON ANDROID 5.0.2 LOLLIPOP (XXU2COD4)Download the rooting file you need from Chainfire: Odin to the Windows PC desktop. You’ll see the file download just above the taskbar after you click the link.Now look on the right side of that grey file for a small arrow. Click the arrow and choose to “show in folder”. Now drag the Odin file that’s inside over to the desktop. Now you can use that Odin file. Double-click the Odin file and leave it open and waiting.Extract the rooting file the same way so you can see it on the desktop and leave it there.Completely shut down the Galaxy Alpha by holding in the Power button for 10 seconds.Reboot the Samsung Galaxy Alpha in Download Mode.Now connect the Alpha to the same Windows PC you are using with the USB cable.Click the PDA button inside Odin and browse for the rooting file on the desktop. It is the one with the same file extension that’s shown in the link above.Click the start button inside Odin and the app will now root the Samsung smartphone as long as you do not remove the connection.You’ll eventually get a pass or fail message and the Samsung Galaxy Alpha will reboot itself. That’s when you can unplug the handset and take control of your Google account once again.Those with the fail message probably need to install the USB Drivers. Reboot the PC after installing the drivers so the drivers are working.