Guide to flashing LG KDZ Firmware using R&D Test tool.
Flah LG KDZ using R&D Test tool. This guide is an alternative way you can use to flash a firmware or Stock ROM on Android LG device. Generally to flash KDZ file on Android LG device is using LG flash tool 2014, but sometimes this guide has an error during flashing process. If you have any problem when flashing your LG Android device using LG Flash Tool 2014, you can try with this method. We use this R&D Test tool for KDZ file that has more than 1 GB of size. So make sure you have download and check your KDZ file for your LG Android device before decide to flash it. And KDZ file can be a test version, which can be the official version, the version can also be a CSE.
To flash your LG Android device you must prepare this tool on your computer or PC,
- LG Android device to download and install drivers, Here
- Download FlashTool.1.0.54_guidebelajar.rar (R&D Test Tool), then extract it on specified folder on your computer. Here
- And, Installation "B2CAppSetup.exe"
- This file is located on “FlashTool.1.0.54_guidebelajar\KDZ_FW_UPD_EN\B2CAppSetup.exe"
- After installation is complete, it will automatically open "LGMobile Support Tool"
- Now you can manually close "LGMobile Support Tool"
Lg support tool - flashing LG KDZ Firmware using R&D Test tool |
Guide to use R&D Test Tool.
- When you have installed LG driver and Lg mobile support tool, now you must enter your LG Android device into download mode. You can see this guide to enter your LG device into download mode.
- Then open your windows explorer on your computer. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc folder
- Then open "hosts" file using notepad.
- Then add this : and save it
hosts file - flashing LG KDZ Firmware using R&D Test tool |
- Now, Copy "FlashTool.1.0.54_guidebelajar\LGMOBILEAX" all of the following files to the "LGMobile Support Tool" installation directory
- If you see folder replace confirmation just click yes
- And then click Move and replace
- Now, Open the folder "FlashTool.1.0.54_guidebelajar"
- Then open http.exe, and you will ask for windows security alert. just click allow Access.
http.exe - flashing LG KDZ Firmware using R&D Test tool |
- When http.exe is open, now minimize this window
http.exe - flashing LG KDZ Firmware using R&D Test tool |
- Then open UpTestEX.exe
- On UpTestEX.exe window you can select :
- Select type : CDMA (1)
- Set time : 33000 (2)
- Select KDZ (3)
- Then Click CSE Upgrade Test (4)
uptestex.exe - flashing LG KDZ Firmware using R&D Test tool |
- Then you will see Read Phone Information windows
read phone information - flashing LG KDZ Firmware using R&D Test tool |
- When ready you can click Upgrade Start
- Then you can change country on Select Country & Language windows
select country language - flashing LG KDZ Firmware using R&D Test tool |
- Then click clear phone Software update Registry button
- On this step you will see the windows that show flashing process is starting, and Don't remove the USB cable or the battery phone.
flashing LG KDZ Firmware using R&D Test tool |
- You will see S/W upgrade is in progress.
flashing LG KDZ Firmware using R&D Test tool |
- Once flashing process finish, your LG Android device will reboot automatically, and you must see your phone display LG LOGO. this mean flashing process is completed.
flashing LG KDZ Firmware using R&D Test tool |
- Now, you can disconnect USB cable from computer.
- Then, turn off or close UpTestEX.exe window
- Exit http.exe
- Now, back to number 2 step above.and open hosts file, then delete
- Save notepad
- Finish