iPhone Tricks-8 reasons to jailbreak iOS 9 on iPhone and iPad
All of you running iOS 9 on your iPhones and iPads can jailbreak using the Pangu jailbreaking tool. Once you jailbreak you can visit the Cydia store and download Cydia tweaks. These tweaks can alter the operating system on your device so you can customize your phone or tablet to better suit your personal taste and needs. The following list gives you the top 8 reasons to jailbreak iOS 9 on iPhone and iPad.
The InstaLauncher Cydia tweak lets the user get quick access to your favorite apps and your recent apps. The InstaLauncher hold much greater value for people who have many apps on the iPhone or iPad. All you need to do is set an activator gesture to help activate the InstaLauncher. That’s done by double tapping on the status bar. You can then see the alphabetical order of the apps by tapping over a letter positioned on the right side of the display. Doing so results in a much faster browsing speed to find your apps that might otherwise take many swipes on the iPhone or iPad before you can find them.
The Polus Cydia tweak allows us to change the icons that are on your Control Center. The Control Center I’m referring to is the one when you swipe up from the bottom of your display when on the homescreen. You might access it to turn on the torch or use the calculator. Along with being able to add more toggles to the Control Center, you can change the appearance of the icons too.
The Berry C8 tweak allows us to open apps from the lockscreen without unlocking your device. When you choose to have a passcode on your device, it isn’t usually to hide away your apps from others. Usually you need to keep unlocking your device to get access to the apps on your device. You don’t anymore with BerryC8.
Use the Pegasus Cydia tweak to play videos, shrink them on the display so you can still watch them but at the same time continue to use your device for multitasking. That means with Pegasus installed, you can watch a video and perform another task at the same time — something you couldn’t otherwise do fro ma standard Apple operating system in iOS 9.
Status Bar Color
While including something as simple as the status bar color in a list of the top reasons to jailbreak might sound petty to some, I have it on the list since the status bar is a bar we see so often. As soon as you unlock the device you have the status bar at the top of the display. If you change the color to something that stands out more, you can dramatically change the appearance of your device with this simple Status Bar Colour Cydia tweak. The only downside is that you might find yourself going nuts trying to choose the perfect color.
Minimal HUD
The minimal HUD tweak changes the stock volume graphics on your device for a far less intrusive picture. If you unlock your passcode and press the volume button, you’ll see a large graphic on the display showing you the volume level. The minimal HUD takes that away and replaces it with a much more subtle volume displayed on the border so it doesn’t get in the way of what’s on your screen.
Remove the name of your phone carrier network that is always located up high in the status bar once you unlock the homescreen. Sure, many people don’t mind the carrier being there. If you are someone who decided to join a cheaper network or have your device on videos, you might want to remove the carrier stamp so people cannot see who you are with or what part of the world you are from. Not very useful for most, but incredibly useful for others.
The Bloard tweak enables you to change the colors of your keyword. That’s the universal keyboard you get to use when typing messages from apps. Usually the design changes when you update from iOS 7 to iOS8 and iOS 8 to iOS 9 etc. It’s Apple who make that change to what they think is best for matching the overall look of the OS. That doesn’t mean you think it’s the best, though. Bloard lets you have a darker keyboard instead of the lighter keyboard that Apple uses lately.
Those are just 8 reasons to jailbreak iOS 9 on iPhone and iPad. There are many more reasons that you can see in the video above presented by iReviews.