After the N1 tablet, should Nokia also make an Android phone?
Nokia earlier this week launched its very first Android tablet, the N1, in China. The tablet went out of stock in about 4 minutes, though it’s worth noting that only 20,000 units had been made available. Still, it’s obvious that the N1 is a successful product. In fact, the tablet attracted considerable interest ever since it was initially announced back in November.
As you may have noticed, the Nokia N1 doesn’t really have an original design, but its set of high-end features, and the attractive price (around $250) certainly make it a good buy. With that in mind, we were wondering if Nokia should also consider making a similar Android smartphone sometime in the future - so we ran a poll asking for your opinion on this.
An overwhelming majority of those who voted (3,219 users, or 95.46%) believes that Nokia should definitely try and make an Android smartphone. Only 4.54% (153 voters) do not think that this would be a good idea.
We must remind you that, following its deal with Microsoft (which now own Nokia’s Devices and Services unit), Nokia can’t commercialize phones under its own name until 2016 (next year). But nothing can stop it from doing it after that, if it wishes so.
If you didn't get the chance to vote while the poll was still active, you can let us know what you think about this in the comments section.