BBM Material Green 2 apk is here and available now inviting any Android users to give it a try. With BBM Mod material green you will enjoy the green nuance dominating the interface. So if you like such color, then this BBM mod is the right one for you and you can install the apk of the BBM mod right now.
And BBM mod material green is equipped with various additional features for you taste, those features were selected among other features based on users like. It's not a heap if guessing you will like it too.
So no need to wait any longer, you can read the full list of features you will get once this BBM mod installed, read them guys.
Feature list of BBM Material Green 2
- Can change display picture as you like.
- Full DP can be set to on / off.
- Can hide / show Sponsor.
- Can refresh.
- You can also upload font.
- There is new bubble chat.
Screenshot BBM Material Green 2
Thanks to modder HendryDasilva for modding this BBM mod.
BBM mod transparent / transparan for Android.
Download link for BBM Mod material green 2 apk.
Hope you will like this BBM mod and do not forget to tell your friend about it.