1. Install CloudyG2 3.1 For LG G2 Lollipop Stock Base
General guide for the LG G2 have Stock rom Lollipop (F320, D801, D802, VS980), Link Stock Lollipop for LG G2
Update Android 5.0 Official Lollipop for LG G2 - Put the phone into the Stock Lollipop rom . How to Flash Stock Lollipop Rom LG G2?
KDZ or DLL FlashTool TOT - Root - AutoRec TWRP, refer
[Tools] DP Tools: Useful tools for phones LG ~ LG Vinh Nghe An.
- Download
Bump Blastagator TWRP - Copy Bump Blastagator TWRP, Rom CloudyG2 3.1 in internal phone memory ,then boot your phone into TWRP Recovery AutoRec.
- Flash Bump TWRP Blastagator then Reboot / Recovery to Bump TWRP
- On Bump BlastagatorTWRP, Install (Flash) CloudyG2 Rom 3.1 in Aroma, select the correct version of rom
- Reboot and enjoy (Reboot / Reboot System)
2. Install CloudyG2 3.1 for LG G2 LS980
LG G2 LS980 no Lollipop, therefore need more flash rom patch.
- You need to download files
BumpBlastagatorTWRP - Put the phone on the original rom 4.4, perform root + Recovery guided
[Tutorial] Root - Recovery for LG G2 KitKat ~ LG Vinh, Nghe An - Copy all files: Rom CloudyG2 3.1 Hotfix LS980, LS980 Baseband Patch, Bump Blastagator TWRP in phone memory.
- Boot the phone into Recovery Teamwin (AutoRec)
- Instal Blastagator TWRP Bump, then Reboot/Reboot recovery for enter TWRP Recovery Bump
- In TWRP Bump, Install Patch Baseband LS980, install finished, continue Reboot Recovery.
- Bump TWRP restarted, proceed WIPE/Advande wipe ( Full Wipe).
- Install Rom CloudyG2 3.1, note that choosing the right version of Aroma LS980.
- Install successfully, Don't select reboot system , go back to home for installation HotFix LS980.
- HotFix is installed, next install Bump Blastagator TWRP again!
- Restart the phone (Reboot System) to enjoy the rom
2. Install CloudyG2 3.1 for LG G2 D800
LG G2 LS980 no Lollipop, therefore need more flash rom patch.
- You need to download files
Bump Blastagator TWRP D800 ,
ROM patch v1.2 lp30f d800 blastagator signed.zip,
boot permissive lp d800 devnull signed.zip - Put the phone on the original rom 4.4, perform root + Recovery guided
[Tutorial] Root - Recovery for LG G2 KitKat ~ LG Vinh, Nghe An - Copy all files: [B]CloudyG2 3.1 Rom, Bump Blastagator TWRP D800 , ROM patch v1.2 lp30f d800 blastagator signed.zip, boot permissive lp d800 devnull signed.zip[/B] in phone memory.
- Boot the phone into Recovery Teamwin (AutoRec)
- Instal Blastagator TWRP Bump, then Reboot/Reboot recovery for enter TWRP Recovery Bump
- WIPE/Advande wipe ( Full Wipe).
- Install Rom CloudyG2 3.1, note that choosing the right version of Aroma LS980.
- Install successfully, Don't select reboot system , go back to home
- Install [B]ROM patch v1.2 lp30f d800 blastagator signed.zip, boot permissive lp d800 devnull signed.zip[/B], next install[B] Bump Blastagator TWRP[/B] again!
- Restart the phone (Reboot System) to enjoy the rom