Wiko Rainbow,MyPhone Agua Rio,MicromaxA120 C2C,Explay Fresh ,QMobile i9,BLU Studio 5.0 C HDA--This is a deodexed version v13 WIKO RAINBOW KITKAT OFFICIAL only for WIKO BASE KITKAT USERS, if you have it go to installation STEPS.
B--if you have MyPhone Agua Rio,MicromaxA120 C2C,Explay Fresh ,QMobile i9,BLU Studio 5.0 C HD on your stock KITKAT or FOTA please follow my tutorial here:
battery tweaks
Installation STEPS:go to recovery:
PHILZ WIKO KITKAT RECOVERYwipe data/factory reset
wipe cache
wipe dalvik cache
install zip from SD CARD:
V13 KITKAT WIKO RAINBOWapply root to xbin/su --» yesreboot.
go to recovery and flash this root:
ROOT WR V13reboot, enjoy your new KITKAT ROM.