Nexus 4 & 5 Lollipop Upgrade and Root free here
Install Driver:
Note:If your driver is already installed then no need to install again..
Adb & fastboot first click on driver and download
Note: Unlock your bootloader before flash and after your flash is complete than you can lock youe bootloader as per below commands
fastboot oem unlock
fastboot oem lock
Firmware Download:
Nexus 4 5.0 (LRX21T) Factory Image Download
Nexus 5 5.0 (LRX21O) Factory Image Download
Flashing Guide:
* first of all extract the firmware zip list
* than you will get a single file
* Change tat files extension to .tar or .rar (if change as rar use 7zip to extract it)
* once again extract it, after the change in extention, you will get the files which is given in the below picture.
* Connect yur mob in fastboot mode
* Run the flash-all.bat
Rooting Guide:
Root File For Nexus 4
Root File For Nexus 5
* first enable your usb debugging
* then connect your device to pc
* run the root-window.bat file which is in the extracted root files folder
*after that you must follow the on screen instruction
Note: before that, if bootloader is not unlocked, it will unlocked all your bootloader file. so it is better to take the backup of all files.