Tool Flash rom KDZ for LG Lastest |
This tool is
Flash Tool KDZ Vietnamese - Flash_tool_2014. If you have
Flash stock rom for LG Serial , then you know the steps difficult. With this tool you can easily perform kdz.
1. The innovative features than the original from LG: + Remove arrested login feature on the interface using the R & D Test Tool latest version of Flash Tool v1.2.3.1
+ operation is completely independent LG Mobile Support Tool should not be affected by the new LG update!
+ Mod tool to share the language without having to choose English language selected in step. Whichever language press OK will also have an English interface.
+ Simplify Flash Tool interface makes new friends easily spend more.
+ MOD official version named 'LG Flash Tool 2014'
2. How to used :+ Download and install
driver LG + Download and extract
LG Flash Tool 2014 + Plug mobile to cable , choose LG Software mode , if you do not then put the phone to downloadmode
+ Run LGFlashTool2014.exe follow image:

+ Then wait for the 100% is done!