*Note: Some virus programs will detect the soft error, to allow it, decided to spend or not is because of you.
Guide Flash stock rom LG .kdz
There are two basic ways to KDZ for LG, used KDZ_FW_UPD or FlashTool. KDZ_FW_UPD for less than 1GB of ROM capacity, otherwise the error 'KDZ extract error'. FLASH tool is compatible with all types of rom .kdz.
Search and dowload rom kdz, you follow this tutorial
"Tool Chek Imei - download rom kdz"I. Use Tool KDZ_FW_UPD
Step 1: Download ROM KDZ .
Step 2: Be sure to install the driver. The battery capacity highter 50%
Bước thứ 3: Power off mobile device. Turn on to Download mode
Step 4: Open folder Flash Tool - run file KDZ_FW_UPD.exe
Step 5: Please view image below
1 - Type : 3GQCT
2 - PhoneMode : EMERGENCY
3 - KDZ file : Browser to KDZ file
4 - Click Launch software update
Okay! Now, you wait until it completes 100% .The fact is just 96% was relieved worry anymore. Mobile will restart automatic
II. KDZ Method by Flashtool - Mobile turn on into Download Mode
- Open folder FlashTool , Run UpTestEX.exe . Please view image
kdz for lg mobile |
After click Nomal web upgrade test , then click Upgrade start ...

And then "Select contry and Languge" , choose Language , click ok .
Have a coffee waiting it completes 100% is ok
* Troubleshooting when KDZ
- 2% or 15% or 44% hang
- battery low error ---> Please charging up to 50%
LGVinh : Cửa hàng điện thoại di động xách tay tại thành phố Vinh Nghệ An
Chuyên các mặt hàng điện thoại xách tay LG nguyên bản từ Hàn quốc
Linh kiện phụ kiện LG Xách tay
Nhận sửa chữa phần cứng,phần mềm, up rom, nạp tiếng việt các dòng máy xách tay Hàn quốc
UnBrick, repair boot, mất IMEI, mất sóng ... các dòng LG , Sky , Sam Sung